Josh Ralske

Josh Ralske Pro

Erstwhile professional film/TV critic/writer. Now I am nothing.

Favorite films

  • The Rules of the Game
  • The Florida Project
  • Modern Romance
  • Night of the Living Dead

Recent activity

  • One Cut of the Dead


  • Babes


  • The Truth vs. Alex Jones

  • Monkey Man


Recent reviews

  • Hell House LLC

    Hell House LLC


    Silly, predictable, not really scary.

    I appreciate the effort, but they squander a lot of the effective atmosphere just through repetition, and then chaos, which I didn't find effective or enjoyable.

    The chaos was fine to open the movie (though that was some of the most unconvincing movie "journalism" I've ever seen), but the end could have slowed things down and explicated more of the madness from earlier, but then I guess they'd have to show their work, and maybe they didn't have the resources for that.

  • Quiz Show

    Quiz Show


    This was even better than I'd remembered. Truly prescient. Television really did get us. Eventually, they made the questions so easy that even Donald Trump could look smart.

Popular reviews

  • Sound of Freedom

    Sound of Freedom

    I thought Letterboxd users were maybe a little more sophisticated and media-savvy than general audiences, but I feel like the reviews on here have been so credulous. You can't believe everything you see in a movie, and when they ask you for money at the end, you should really think about where it's going. Anyway, read this:

  • Midsommar



    There was a moment in this film that disturbed me to the point where I will never forget it, and I forget every fucking thing. That scene where the one character, who has snuck off to do something he shouldn’t, encounters another character, and bad stuff happens, but the sound design is such that I honestly thought there was someone in the theater behind me having some kind of a fit. This sense went on for long enough that I…