Jordan McNaughton

Jordan McNaughton

👑 queen of the generous 4 star rating 👑

Favorite films

  • Meet the Deedles
  • We Are Your Friends
  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • Hundreds of Beavers

Recent activity

  • The Punk Singer


  • School Daze


  • She Hate Me


  • Girl 6


Recent reviews

  • The Punk Singer

    The Punk Singer


    watched on one of my 10pm to 2am shifts at the college library over the summer. snacked on a lot of grapes. Been paid to sit in front of a computer, dick around, and snack a long time.

  • School Daze

    School Daze


    this was his second or third movie??? I guess it shows in the shagginess of the whole thing. this one is really lacking stakes or any sort of propulsive energy.

    liked the musicals portions. amazing fits throughout. larry is so fucking hot 🥵

    It's seemed like every time a shot appeared liked it should be symmetrical, it was actually a bit off to the left. consistently. Weird!

Popular reviews

  • The Rugrats Movie

    The Rugrats Movie


    the Paris sequel is better in every way. The funniest part of this movie is when the detectives ask if Tommy had any enemies or ties to the mob

  • Scooby-Doo



    it'd be hard to make a better live action scooby doo. but they probably shouldn’t try it. 

    gunns script is perfect and shows off what will make Guardian’s pop.

    casting is spot on and while the CGI could be better, I think this perfect movie could most be improved by more vivid, cartoony colors and a more expressive camera. This thing should of been shot in with a bit more noir flair than like a straightforward comedy. 

    rian Johnson could make a great Scooby Doo movie if he ever wanted to.