
Stallman Pro

Favorite films

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Inland Empire
  • The Thing
  • The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

Recent activity

  • The Match Factory Girl


  • Police Story


  • Collateral


  • Ambition


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Homestead


    Slop that panders to housewives with strong Christian faiths and tries to sell premade greenhouse to their doomer husbands who distrust the government. Also has an incredibly strong christian savior complex. Didn’t realize this before seeing it, but it’s essentially an advertisement for a tv show on angle studios streaming service… it’s just a pilot episode. It lacks any sort of resolution and serves wholly as a set up for something else. Conveniently you can see the second episode for…

  • Inland Empire

    Inland Empire


    Wow wow wow had no idea what i was getting into. In my opinion this is the most idiosyncratic and singular of Lynch’s work. I would say it seems like his rawest or roughest too, but there’s definitely a precision to what he’s doing here. Haven’t had a movie make me feel that uneasy in a long time. Rip lynch no one else could’ve made this.