screen/memory: rape and its alibis
lynn a. higgins
screen/memory: rape and its alibis
lynn a. higgins
bergman: my first notes on the film are from march 26, 1961. under the heading: conversations with god…
i’d rather carry my heavy inheritance of universal terror than submit to god’s demands for surrender and worship.
i go into an abandoned church in order to converse with god. i want to get some answers. to finally give up either my resistance to god or my unceasing conflict. either to bond to the stronger, to the father, to the need for…
antonioni: i was born in ferrara, which is about seventy kilometers from ravenna, and for a long time i went there many times a year for different reasons, but especially to take part in tennis tournaments. since then, ravenna has become the second port of italy, after genoa. the violent transformation of the countryside around the city has had a strong effect on me. before, there were immense groves of pine trees, very beautiful, which today are completely dead. soon…
antonioni: 1962. i am in florence to see and film a solar eclipse. unexpected and intense cold. silence different from all other silences. wan light, different from all other lights. and then darkness. total stillness. all i’m capable of thinking is that during an eclipse even feelings probably come to a halt.