

Favorite films

  • Léon: The Professional
  • Laurence Anyways
  • A Ghost Story
  • Carol

Recent activity

  • I'm Still Here


  • Desert Road


  • There's Still Tomorrow


  • The Substance


Recent reviews

  • I'm Still Here

    I'm Still Here


    Thanks for this movie. 
    Beautiful pictures and so much émotion. 
    At the beginning you only want to join them in Brazil, Colors are beautiful, beach and warm sunset make you want to spend time there.
    But then, you feel the anxiety, you feel the pain. 
    All along you feel like you living the story and you are part of it. 
    Great job

  • There's Still Tomorrow

    There's Still Tomorrow


    La claque.

Popular reviews

  • Anora



    Oh wow.
    No words.
    Amazing cast, amazing story. Extremely well written. 
    The tone is hilarious, I haven’t laughed like this for ages. Ani is so « attachante », we feel so much for her. But from far, my favorite is Igor. I’ve never watched a movie with such an interesting character, observant and passive, but that gives a completely different persepective to every action. So smart. 
    Thank you for this moment, first time that 2h19 flies so fast.

  • Yannick



    Étonnement Excellent. 
    Sans attente particulière, j’ai regardé ce qui sera désormais mon Dupieux préféré. 
    Challenge accompli que de nous attendrir dans un espace si minimal, avec des textes parfaitement écrits et joués. Tout est sous contrôle sans en avoir l’air. 
    Raphaël méritait son cesar sur cette performance d’après moi, qui m’a laissé sans voix.
