

Favorite films

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  • The Hunger Games
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2


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  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1


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    Best movie of all time, enough said

    I'll say a little more though. The visuals are stunning, and surely the greatest of its time. That said, time is starting to catch up with it. It's starting to fall behind. It was inevitable, but still tragic. This is how moms feel when their kids move out

    Of course, I'm a little extra excited about Avatar since I just spent all day yesterday in Pandora at the Animal Kingdom of Disney World. It's not bad, by the way

    Watched at home with the fam

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2


    Wow. If this isn't a 5-star movie, I don't know what is

    I'm impressed at how well this stood the test of time. Usually, movies from my childhood are much worse than I remember. This only got better, despite forgetting 95% of the background

    The story, the characters, the music, the way each shot is framed... this film is a masterpiece. I wouldn't have ended the series any other way

    The only characters that had the spotlight were Harry and…

Popular reviews

  • The Pink Panther

    The Pink Panther


    90% love affair, 5% awkward interactions, 5% jewel thief. 0% pink panther :(

    There were a few funny moments, but not a ton. Especially for a comedy movie of this length

    Think sex scenes are awkward with your parents? Try them with your grandparents. Actually, don't. It's not fun

    The end is so sad! I wish I had good things to say about this. I just don't. I guess there was nothing about it that made me annoyed or upset. Besides the infidelity and ending.

    Watching with Grandparents and Willy at the Evans

  • Onward



    Rewatched this now after watching it a while ago

    This is a well-made coming-of-age story of two brothers with a D&D influence. It's definitely a sweet story, but the theme isn't personally relatable so it can only impact me so much

    The animation is beautiful and the character design is interesting. The relationships between the characters feels real. The story is concise and focused

    I'd recommend this for anyone looking for a low-stakes, heartwarming, visually appealing film

    Watched by myself at Chelsea
