

Favorite films

  • Ulysses' Gaze
  • Blade Runner
  • Blue Velvet
  • Close-Up

Recent activity

  • I Stand Alone


  • Le Petit Soldat


  • Blade Runner


  • The Heat of a Thousand Suns


Recent reviews

  • Blade Runner

    Blade Runner


    Finally watched it on the big screen... felt like a lucid dream.

  • The Beasts

    The Beasts


    As Bestas (2022)
    Rodrigo Sorogoyen
    Spanish/English review.

    Sorogoyen hace de As Bestas un crudo lienzo sobre la condición humana, otra epopeya de la aniquilación, no solamente física; sino que del espíritu mismo.
    Esto es un relato de víctimas, individuos que son presas de un sistema que no les da alternativas ni abasto.
    El pobre campesinado, alienado, pisado y abandonado. Con un hartazgo y un resentimiento de lo más contenidos en su subconsciente.
    Su propia enajenación, sumada además con la…

Popular reviews

  • The Killer

    The Killer


    Neo Noir + Ultraviolence + The Smiths
    What else could i ask for?

  • Killers of the Flower Moon

    Killers of the Flower Moon



    This is what I get after leaving the cinema from watching 3 and a half hours of what is probably the best film of the decade, a film that shows us another American bloodshed.
    One of those numerous black chapters of history that, as sordid as it may sound, defined the structure and creation of the United States of America.

    Those who say that greater lucidity is achieved when one grows old are right and Mr. Scorsese has proven this old saying.

    Bravo, Martin, you have made a masterpiece.
