🥀 Berenice

🥀 Berenice Patron

Favorite films

  • Paprika
  • Blue Velvet
  • Lilya 4-ever
  • Inland Empire

Recent activity

  • Only Yesterday


  • Paprika


  • Johnny Mnemonic


  • sex, lies, and videotape


Pinned reviews

  • Pastoral: To Die in the Country

    Pastoral: To Die in the Country


    "Come back, Mom, and give birth to me a second time. Without you, I can never change."

    Watercolor memories are all we have left of childhood. The looming reality of adult relationships, dynamics and sexuality seem like an ominous sleight of hand devised to confound and even terrify. Or so it seems to the main character. Age has cast a new light on the situations he floated through as a boy. It's time to fashion a new masquerade for all…

  • Nostalgia



    The beauty of death and depression, the warmth of memory’s candle when nothing else can warm you, symmetry as an attempt to bring order to the shattered. 

    There is nothing more poignant than to be understood, and for a brief moment two outsiders understand each other.

    I feel like I know this movie inside and out, and I almost don’t care to read interpretations of the meaning because I feel like I understood the meaning implicitly as the movie took…

Recent reviews

  • Lilya 4-ever

    Lilya 4-ever


    The intensity of girlhood dialed up to 100. In a world that is closing in on her, Lilya has a heart of steel. That feeling of anticipation for the next big adventure, for the beautiful future you always dreamed of, is embodied by Lilya. Which makes the unfolding story a thousand times more heartbreaking.

    Having to come to terms with your own mortality at a young age is tragic- being violently jerked into a reality that makes death the only option is painful beyond imagination. Lilya 4-ever helps you imagine.

  • Lisa Frankenstein

    Lisa Frankenstein


    Hearing The Chameleons' Up the Down Escalator in a 2024 movie was not on my bingo card. Neither was crying like a baby at the end. Adorable. An immediate cult classic.

Popular reviews

  • Beauty and the Beast

    Beauty and the Beast


    You have eyes, but you’ll never see her again. 
    You have arms, but whom will they embrace?

    More avant-garde and psychological than other renditions. Almost like a dream- perhaps Julie’s dream, or Netvor’s. Shadow and light are used to great effect in creating an atmosphere of gothic beauty. The scene with Julie in the bed is absolutely stunning, I gasped when I saw it. 
    Underneath the surface lies authentic torment and suffering in the forms of a voice that haunts…

  • Oldboy



    Someone has plans for you. Your life becomes a cracked mirror for someone else to reflect their suffering on. Your dreams and memories, everyone you love, are all wiped away to make room for something else. Welcome to hell.

    Oldboy presents a labyrinth with a minotaur at its spiraling center. Dae-su reclaims his life by bludgeoning his way through the labyrinth, not realizing that he's becoming more entrapped with every step he takes. His ultimate goal at the center will…