Getting into films, starting September 2017!
5: Loved it!
4: Really liked it
3: Liked it
2: It was OK
1: Not my jam
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
There's so much going on in this film – one review claims that it attacks pretty much every aspect of Greek culture at the time – that I really do need to watch it again. But I was blown away by the intricate power dynamics, the pacing, the soundtrack (definite Yorgos Lanthimos vibes here in terms of the careful use of atonal chamber music) and the dark humour.
Today I learned that Satanists are bougie boomers. Who knew.
A handful of beautiful shots, and excellent sound design, are not enough to save an otherwise hollow, aloof, and frequently cheesy film.
I'd first watched this years ago. It greatly impressed me then, but a whole new dimension opened up for me when I realized that "the European" is none other than Astolphe de Custine.
I had low expectations going into this. The Force Awakens bored/annoyed me to tears and I'd skipped Rogue One entirely.
The Last Jedi — to quote another reviewer — "actually fe[lt] like a movie" at times. Rey's first acquaintance with the force. The mirrored cave. The welcome circumvention of the "just in time" trope. And thank god the film was courteous enough to supply some slow moments between fight scenes, giving the audience's tolerance for action a chance to recharge.…