Would like to spend hours discussing our Letterboxd logs please.
Currently on a journey to complete Julia Roberts filmography.
I was debating this in my head for a while after watching but fuck it, alright, 5 stars. The acting was excellent and the awards well deserved. I think Bakers work is fascinating in his depictions of life, particularly in the manner he films.
I need to think about this more.
It felt a little wayward at times and was definitely a bit different from my usual taste in gialli (not a negative). However, some excellent camera work on display here and I started to really get swayed by it.
This film left me a bit annoyed. It’s getting 3 stars purely on its hyper stylisation because the substance (need to watch that) is just a slog to get through. It feels brutal for the sake of brutality without actually having a point.
I was debating between this or Waitress and I feel like I made the wrong choice which is never a good feeling after watching a movie.
I thought it was very solid. Great kids movie. Definitely touches on the cycle of life and death a with a little more realism than I expected and it is an overall good story. However, I think it’s a little overhyped and I came away a bit underwhelmed.