
karlruben Pro

I like movies, and parentheses (a lot).

Favorite films

  • Ikiru
  • After the Wedding
  • All That Matters Is Past
  • The Night I Swam

Recent activity

  • Down by Law

  • Emilia Pérez

  • The Substance

  • Dune

Recent reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance

    I don't believe The Substance ever mentions its setting by name, and given its deliberate, fable-like unspecifity elsewhere, if it ever did so, I'm sure this place would've been referred to as "The Town" or "The City" or something like that. Which I'm sure would've felt just as deliciously evocative as the rest of the film's dreamlike vagueness. And yet: This has to be one of the most convincing recreations of Los Angeles by any movie not actually filmed there.…

  • Widows



    I normally don't do this, but I was so excited after watching this movie that I zoomed straight onto Letterboxd, and then IMDB to look at the user scores. I suspect it might have something to do with sharing the elation of the experience in some way; for one reason or another, I didn't have anyone to call or text or talk to in that moment, so I looked for a surrogate. No shade to the lovely people I follow…

Popular reviews

  • The Beautiful Person

    The Beautiful Person


    This movie gets at something I can't recall ever having seen on screen before; how love can be so utterly prosaic and profound at the same time, and how those things in no way exclude or cancel each other out. By bringing a seventeenth century novel's intrigues and heartbreak into a common high school setting, the filmmakers find the similarities between the constantly splintering, close-knit cliques of secondary school education and those of a sixteenth century royal court.

    Writer-director Christophe…

  • Of Freaks and Men

    Of Freaks and Men


    I’m not sure what it says about me that I loved this film with such a passion, but I doubt it’s anything good.