I tend to like things more than I don't like things.
Finally living in my truth about my four favorite films.
I don't think I liked this movie much, but it had enough to make me want more from this director. I just wanted him to go bigger and deeper with this one. Especially since he comes from this world, so I really wanted to see what he had to say. Mark Anthony Green seems like a hoot. I hope he brings some more of that hoot to his next film.
Between this and Flow, I think we should just give it all back to the animals.
Sometimes you hope a movie will be good and it's not. Sometimes you have no expectations and it's actually pretty great. Then sometimes, very rarely, you know a movie will be good, but it ends up being one of the best films you've ever seen.
And if I can speak personally, sometimes you hear something in a movie that is the exact thing you need to hear at the time or puts into words something you've been trying to say for awhile. This movie had like three of those moments for me.
Jordan Peele has gotten better as a filmmaker with each movie. The horror elements in this movie were better than anything he's done so far. There was his viral response to the tweet saying he is the best horror director, and no he's not there, but it's not inconceivable that he could accomplish that. The thing is, I don't think we've even seen his masterpiece yet. And that's saying something.
But as well made and acted as this film was,…