Kayla Conde

Kayla Conde

I only update my favorite films. Sorry.

Favorite films

  • Submarine
  • Amadeus
  • There Will Be Blood
  • Eyes Wide Shut

Recent activity

  • Unfriended


  • The Hurt Locker


  • Margaret


  • The Celebration


Recent reviews

  • Unfriended



    This ran so Thirteen Reasons Why could walk. I actually haven’t seen Thirteen Reasons Why, but I feel like it tries to tackle similar things.
    This movie was so effective. Opening with Blaire and Mitch getting sexy over the video call and then having their friends join in was a great set up for the themes of the film: nothing online is private, and what you do on there has repercussions. The Never Have I Ever sequence was BRILLIANT because…

  • The Hurt Locker

    The Hurt Locker


    I can’t believe this was directed by a woman. Two and a half hours of manly bro war stuff and any layer of possible meaning didn’t go beyond Beckham not actually being dead. Elijah, Nadia and I were trying to decide whether this was an anti-war movie—it’s not. I mean just look at the ending: war guy goes back to war, and not to fight for his country, but because he loves disarming bombs. Why would anyone want to watch…

Popular reviews

  • Bonnie and Clyde

    Bonnie and Clyde


    Bonnie and Clyde is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. I would say it’s a true American masterpiece, but its European New Wave influences are evident (cue the one-lensed sunglasses). It’s honestly difficult to know where to start, so let me begin with the opening sequence. WHAT A TITLE SEQUENCE. The vintage-style photos along with the camera sound in between each of the actors’ names really serves to immerse in the story of Bonnie and Clyde as an…

  • Farewell My Concubine

    Farewell My Concubine


    Its been three days and I’m still processing this masterpiece of a movie. I’ll start off by saying the only reason I didn’t give it five stars is because it was a tad bit too long, but regardless I was way, way more invested than I anticipated to be. Amazing, amazing performances across the board, especially Leslie Cheng as Dieyi. Holy shit. At each age, this character was intoxicating to watch; Cheng, especially, could communicate so much without saying a…