Keith Brinkmann

Keith Brinkmann

I prefer 20th Century film.

Favorite films

  • Steamboat Round the Bend
  • Ishtar
  • The Wolf of Wall Street
  • The Wobblies

Recent activity

  • Oh, Canada

  • Missing

  • Masked and Anonymous


  • Family Plot


Recent reviews

  • Masked and Anonymous

    Masked and Anonymous


    Huh. I wish it was more unusual. Maybe I'll be in a better mood to appreciate it at a later date.

  • Family Plot

    Family Plot


    This may be the one I find most lighthearted.

    One hopes in his dotage Hitchcock was mercifully weakened, less erotically obsessive, or at least less capable of dominating everyone involved. This image of old man Alfred results in my experience with the work being less haunted by the psychological weight of his well documented grievous faults. Unlike with Vertigo, Psycho, Birds or Rear Window I don't sense I'm witnessing a project helmed by an active sadistic abuser who hounded his…

Popular reviews

  • Strange Victory

    Strange Victory


    Why does yesterday wander through today like a ghost?
    Why is the news still bad?

    And if we won, why do we look as if we lost?
    And if Hitler died, why does his voice still pursue us through the spaces of American life?

  • The Way of the Wind

    The Way of the Wind


    Gotta say, I'm digging what Malick has done with this so far