
Kendrick Patron

I'm a whore for horror
My ratings are based on my personal enjoyment more than technical aspects.

Favorite films

  • Martyrs
  • Raw
  • I Saw the TV Glow
  • Ex Machina

Recent activity

  • Warrior


  • Aftersun


  • The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)


  • I Saw the TV Glow


Recent reviews

  • Warrior



    What should just be a basic "man" movie is actually really fucking good and full of emotions.

    I won't lie, I watched this simply because of Tom Hardy but everything about it was great. Specifically Nick Nolte brought a lot of emotions and heavy weight to the movie. All performances were great.

    I felt so much hype and tension like I was watching actually MMA fights. And Tom Hardys physique may be one of the most impressive ones i have ever seen.

  • The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)

    The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)


    One of the worst - possibly the worst movie i have ever seen. With absolutely zero redeeming qualities this took a solid 3 attempts to finish.

    Unlike what Tom Six probably intended, it wasn't hard to sit through cause of its disturbing premise but rather cause it is so bad and horribly made.

    Tom Six can't direct or write, he is so self indulgent and such cringe "I'm edgy" its scarier than his movies. All these actors were terrible, it looked awful, the soundtrack was bad. This was so terrible. Get a new job Tom.

Popular reviews

  • Airplane Mode

    Airplane Mode


    I feel like this is what Alex was actually being shown in A Clockwork Orange

  • Waves



    This is now my favorite non horror movie produced by A24.

    Everything about this movie just feels so real and genuine. 

    The acting, characters, soundtrack, cinematography, directing, lighting, everything. I loved this movie so much and it was so emotionally powerful. 

    Each character was so deep and layered. The characters interactions felt genuine and real. I felt for everything that happened to each character and nothing felt out of place. 

    This is a powerhouse of a film and is expertly crafted.