Kenny Glenn

Kenny Glenn

Favorite films

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • North by Northwest
  • Spirited Away
  • Stand by Me

Recent activity

  • We Are Zombies


  • Crawlspace


  • Cyclone

  • Juan of the Dead


Recent reviews

  • We Are Zombies

    We Are Zombies


    I didn't really enjoy watching it, but it had some great ideas. I just didn't like the characters at all. So, when I don't care about anyone, and there is no difference between being dead and being alive, there are no stakes to add tension of any kind to the film.

    I kept wanting to like it so bad. It seems like something I should like, but it just never seemed to work on a basic level. I do always appreciate people trying new ideas when making movies, even if it is in a genre that has been way over done.

  • Crawlspace



    If you told me that if I crawled into the vent, I could ride on a cool track with a wheeled sled, I would totally be in! But, if it was Klaus Kinski who told me to go in the vent, I think I would get out of there fast.

    Kinski is really captivating in this. He is so disturbingly creepy it is insane. The contraptions are so corny, and yet they are scary.

    It all works quite well until…

Popular reviews

  • Pandora's Box

    Pandora's Box


    Film School Drop Outs Week 1

    Louise Brooks is a charming and magnetic presence in a film that plumbs the darkest moments and thoughts of some humans. She is the reason that this movie works. If she couldn't hold an audiences attention for 2+ hours then it would fail. Because, her character, Lulu, is at once easy to watch and admire and also easy to loathe. When in court the lawyer compares her to Pandora who freed the demons and…

  • From Beyond

    From Beyond


    This movie wastes no time jumping right in. A crazy experiment makes strange beings appear in the air, faces are attacked, heads go missing, the cops imprison our protagonist. It’s a good start and it keeps quite a fevered pace throughout. The effects and the creatures are pretty great, One thing always being outdone by the next until by the end everything is so completely nuts. But throughout, it maintains an air of such strangeness especially where character choices are…