The songs are bangers and the dream dance sequence is pure cinema magic.
Jud is Frank Grimes.
Sentimental and sweet without ever feeling treacly, Eephus chronicles the last baseball game played between two older club teams on a field that’s going to be demolished to make way for a school.
There’s no villain here but time, the cruelest of them all. The men on the field take jabs at each other, make small talk, reminisce and talk about future plans… and throughout it all is baseball, and it’s underneath all of this the real feelings and themes come out; all subtext, all beautiful. It feels like going to a game to catch up with a friend.
It’s also really funny.
An awesome Western that feels like a lost classic: it doesn't ever try to be postmodern or self-aware, it just exists as a solid Western. It's funny, it's incredibly tense, and the second half essentially plays out like a Western slasher.
There’s a book called “Bunk” by Kevin Young that examines the history of American hoaxes, plagiarists, phonies, and con men. The con man feels a distinctly American phenomenon: we as a public love them in a sense. We love our PT Barnums and in fiction our Saul Goodmans; there’s a cheeky fun to them. I think it’s the idea that you’re getting one over on “the man” or the powers that be: that quintessentially American idea of making your own…