Matthew Deapo

Matthew Deapo Patron

Favorite films

  • August in the Water
  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  • The Driver
  • Incident

Recent activity

  • Muse


  • Campfire Tales


  • Phone Booth


  • Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars


Pinned reviews

  • Baby Invasion

    Baby Invasion


    Hardly the “Violence begets violence” cautionary tale that it appears to be upon first glance. The true enemy here is secondhand experience, abetted by an endless stream of “vibes” and “moods,” but never culminating in true catharsis or gratification.

  • Germany Year 90 Nine Zero

    Germany Year 90 Nine Zero


    A ghost story about the lingering impact of art, philosophy, and brutality on the emotional and physical landscape of reunified Germany.

Recent reviews

  • 1900



    At once grotesque and sumptuous, but always best when it highlights the hypocrisy of the leisure class.

  • Beau Travail

    Beau Travail


    “We all have a trash can deep within,” but Galoup’s shame spills over, his insecurity worn into his face like the ravages of time and the harsh African sun.

Popular reviews

  • Duel to the Death

    Duel to the Death


    A thoughtful, existential approach to honor and obligation among swordsman. 

    Intelligent enough to recognize the futility in competition and the ways tradition only serves the ruling class and perpetuates prejudice.

    It’s also exceedingly beautiful, possessing warm autumnal reds & browns and operatic fight sequences teeming with technical wizardry and ethereal dream logic.

  • Black Girl

    Black Girl


    “Wielding contrasts in hue as overarching metaphor, Ousmane Sembène detects racial conflict at every rung of the social ladder, revealing ethnicity as emotional baggage to be exchanged in the name of upward mobility.”

    Full review at Kinetoscope Film Journal.