Sebas M

Sebas M

Favorite films

  • Stalker
  • The Seventh Seal
  • Nowhere
  • Anora

Recent activity

  • Fargo


  • Red River


  • Nickel Boys


  • Network


Recent reviews

  • Fargo



    Well, never trust a bunch of stupid people handling stupid businesses, not even in the middle of nowhere.

    This was on my wishlist for a long long time, just imagine I watched the TV show first heck a lot of years ago and didn't finish it, so here we are, what a funny crazy trippy random piece of story, I already had forgoten the intro's "based on a true story" half way through the movie, cause, damn, that warning was also part of the joke lol, people can't be this stupid, don't they??

  • Red River

    Red River


    Debo admitir que nunca he sido un gran admirador de John Wayne, sus personajes suelen ser el arquetipo que más odio, el estadounidense prepotente, violento, sin educación, que se quiere adueñar de todo y no le importa matar para conseguirlo, sin embargo con Red River pasa algo interesante, se cuestiona este tipo de figura, pues por culpa de su terquedad, causa disgusto y desgaste en su cuadrilla de colaboradores, pues de manera ciega quiere cumplir un objetivo que de primeras…

Popular reviews

  • The Settlers

    The Settlers


    A la mierda los británicos, a la mierda los gringos y a la mierda los compatriotas vendidos , fuck off cocksuckers Brits, fuck off Muricans dickheads and fuck off sold compatriots

    Este es el cine Latinoaméricano que es necesario, uno donde se exponga pero a la vez se tome la responsabilidad de las acciones que ha realizado nuestro propio pueblo, Los Colonos toma prestado elementos del spaghetti western y los blande en un retrato sangriento y cruel del colonialismo y…

  • Perfect Days

    Perfect Days


    I felt in love with this film, this is one of those who come very close to your heart, I watched it with my mom and it was wonderful, we both learned that no matter how bad our lifes could be, we should embrace every day with a smile, trying to turn bad situations into good ones, and enjoy the little details the world and the nature offer us, enjoy the music, the lyrics, the little interactions with others, enjoying…