movie time
(Favorites aren't all time just recents that caught my eye)
Gonna generally be taken down to its smallest parts (trump bad, as opposed to all the other things it's actually about) and is a little too silly for its own good sometimes but I think this one sticks the landing, even if that landing feels like it wants to somehow be smaller in scope than Parasite and also way larger in its movements. Another great Bong Hit!
EDIT (things that have stuck with me since I saw this movie)
How do we fully connect with someone when a camera lens comes between us? How do we overcome the impenetrable barrier of being watched and knowing it? I don't think we will ever fully know.
We are all entangled, and love is the only thing that can make that entanglement bearable.
Things that people have laughed at in this movie over both my screenings of this movie
-when Owen screams for his mother
-the shower scene
-when Maddy said Owen needed to leave or else her dad would break her nose again
-when Owen pushes Tara over and runs away
-anytime Maddy talked about the pink opaque in the beginning
-when Tara said they had been buried in a coffin so long they shit themselves
-when Owen's dad said the pink…
I saw this at an early screening and had to see it again just to confirm everything I felt about it.
Such a special movie. So much care and heart in every part of this, and you can really tell they knew they were making something super special. An action movie that doesn't feel reliant on cgi and franchises to engage you. So many cool and original ideas in here, and so emotionally compelling. It feels like one of my…