

Favorite films

  • Buffalo '66
  • A Hole in My Heart
  • Elephant

Recent activity

  • Midsommar


  • Zero Day


  • A Serbian Film

  • Lilya 4-ever


Recent reviews

  • Midsommar



    i loved everything about this honestly.

  • Zero Day

    Zero Day


    this might actually be the best found footage movie i’ve ever seen. nothing seems faked at all. you basically get to see the whole process, their thoughts and different sides of the boys. the whole planning, even people asking why it’s being recorded, feels so real. this was honestly super interesting to watch.

Popular reviews

  • A Hole in My Heart

    A Hole in My Heart


    i don’t know where to start, but i loved this so much. it was weird, yea and it feels like you’re not even supposed to see these things. it’s kind of like a private vlog. you get to see everyone’s traumas, fears, and insecurities. you can see how people go back to what they’re familiar with because they don’t know how to grow or get better. you can see how a person who locks himself up in a room focuses…

  • La Haine

    La Haine


    "A stitch in time saves nine"

    sums up the movie pretty well. Taking care of a problem in the beginning, in this case Vinz wanting his revenge with the gun, could have prevented anyone from dying.

    The movie shows us three friends going through different things together in life, yet each time they split after an argument, they come back together. If one dies, the others seek revenge for him. They stick together no matter what.

    The fact that we…
