🪐 Justin Rigley

🪐 Justin Rigley Patron

Favorite films

  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • Collateral
  • A Christmas Story
  • The Matrix

Recent activity

  • Cars


  • Toy Story 4


  • Toy Story 3


  • Toy Story 2


Pinned reviews

  • Gladiator II

    Gladiator II





  • John Wick: Chapter 4

    John Wick: Chapter 4


    There's an overhead tracking shot in this film so immaculate it'll blow your tits off and light them on fire.

    John Wick Chapter 4 is a legendary action film that spends a lot of its 3-hour runtime literally stunting on every modern action movie out there.

    Docked half a star for the moment purely because I need to rewatch it first. I'm not even sure I actually took in most of what I was seeing during my initial viewing. This…

Recent reviews

  • A Trip to Infinity

    A Trip to Infinity


    Watched this stoned and built the STEM Lego set, and randomly craved jello.

    Time to hurt yourself as you attempt to wrap your mind around insane things like "planck length" and boxes with fruit in them.

    Crammed with visuals and mixed media, interlaced with talking heads of mathematicians and physicists losing their shit as they try to explain infinity.

    Great when you're high.
    Wouldn't recommend if you're an anxious stoner prone to existential crises.

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3


    The best Firestarter needledrop since Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.

    Sonic 3 is focused on Team Knuckles and Doctor Robotnik, with an acceptable amount of human.
    The animation and photography looked great, even with Paramount+ keeping the movie at an almost blocky resolution during my entire watch.

    The plot worked for me, and I enjoyed the locations it took us to.
    I truly cared about what was going on, it's actually kinda crazy.

    The filmmakers knew what we wanted with this…

Popular reviews

  • Take Cover

    Take Cover


    My favorite cliche is knowing the Scott Adkins character will try and save whatever woman or child is in danger.

    This is the 63rd Adkins movie I've seen so far (which I think is every movie of his), and to be perfectly honest, full transparency here, I'm pretty sure I love the man, because I've yet to be bored by anything he's ever done.
    Dude always gives it his all, no matter the film, and here it's no different. Not…

  • Deep Sky

    Deep Sky


    An elderly lady and I were the only people in the theater, but both of us were wiping away tears by the time the credits rolled.

    The documentary aspect itself only covers a small portion of how the telescope was made. You'll spend the majority of your time experiencing some of the most amazing images ever (especially if you're seeing this in IMAX like I did), while daydreaming with scientists about what-ifs and the fascination of spacetime.

    Nothing here was…