could do without the sandwiched monologue, could do with more exploration of iris's autonomy
but such a fun thriller, hughie got dumped by a robot!!!
uninspired slop
female character count:
+1 mako (boring and 1d)
+1 girl who holds map for black market dealer
+1 russian who dies with 30s screen time
+1 preggo kaiju
cannot convince me the cringe-factor was cringe enough to be meta
decent enough chemistry between leads but I could not care about either of them or the plot
did make me laugh in a "what-the-fuck" sort of way, so I guess it deserves a little credit, but otherwise unmemorable
movie so intense, I jumped when jacob leaned over to make a "that's what she said" joke.
btw, virginia's take on the ending is absolute dogwater. I said what I said.