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Recent reviews

  • Hiccups



    It’s crazy how a film with so much improvisation ends up feeling so delicately woven together, but I guess that’s the magic of Joel Haver and Co. The non-linear structure really helps paint the picture of the relationship holistically—the movie isn’t  just a series of escalating or de-escalating events, but more like a collage made from singular moments in time. The “fly on the wall” style of filmmaking has its limitations, sure, but what it gives you in exchange for…

  • Howl's Moving Castle

    Howl's Moving Castle


    Howl’s Moving Castle starts out making you think it’s going to be a simple fable—a young girl becomes an elderly woman in the blink of an eye, so it’s going to be a “beauty is only skin deep kind of thing, right?” But then it moves into abstraction pretty quickly, showing you nightmarish visions of everything from bombing raids to things talking that shouldn’t talk. It’s all unbelievably creative, but it’s a little too much . . . especially when…

Popular reviews

  • My Neighbor Totoro

    My Neighbor Totoro


    Two girls standing in the rain next to their new neighbor. That image and many others evoke a sense of being there that few films actually achieve—but then again, few films explore the simple joy of listening to raindrops hit your umbrella. The smile it puts on your face, the way it makes your hair prickle. The simple joy of being with this family are what take the emotionally distressing moments and really put them in the pit of your…

  • Hostiles



    Sometimes reconciling with what you’re afraid of means spending time with it. Magnificent scenery, patient storytelling, and acting that elevates both. Christian Bale is something between a man and a beast, and Rosamund Pike likewise gives a heart wrenching performance.
