

Favorite films

  • Mirror
  • Modern Times
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • 12 Angry Men

Recent activity

  • Strangers on a Train


  • Mickey 17


  • Searching for Sugar Man


  • In the Heat of the Night

Recent reviews

  • Strangers on a Train

    Strangers on a Train


    This was my first Hitchcock film, and I now understand why he is the master of suspense. Guy's (Farley Granger) fantasies correlate and intertwine with those of Bruno (Robert Walker), a true psychopath, and the former attempts to stop Bruno from following through. A haunting motif of doubles underpins all this, with matching sequences of Guy and Bruno's actions and intersecting train tracks. There's also the humorous moment where Hitchcock inserts himself carrying a _double_ bass. The film's cinematography is…

  • Searching for Sugar Man

    Searching for Sugar Man


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Popular reviews

  • Falling Leaves

    Falling Leaves


    Based Georgian Chemist Saves the Wine

  • American Psycho

    American Psycho


    Patrick Bateman is really me, I really am Patrick Bateman, man. There's a little bit of Bateman in all of us

    Idt the main character is to be idolized in all those less ironic and more inspirational edits. The movie's hilarious, though. I heard the book is good, too
