
kyle Patron

just a little guy or whatever, idk

Favorite films

  • 28 Days Later
  • Breakfast on Pluto
  • Batman Begins

Recent activity

  • Isolation


  • The Delinquent Season


  • The Orange Man

  • Breakfast on Pluto


Pinned reviews

  • 28 Days Later

    28 Days Later


    uhm, he shows his area in this movie 


    whoa such a great movie actually?? i think this film emphasizes that technique and artistic vision are more important than technology/tools. i was invested in this. i was shaking and covering my face because i have like an extreme phobia of zombies and such like its bad, but this movie was just great with the story and the characters. the worldbuilding was good. maybe i WILL watch the years later when…

  • Breakfast on Pluto

    Breakfast on Pluto


    this changed my life. truly.

    the movie and book/this story in general is just so very special to me...i was not expecting to be impacted by this as much as i was. it really focuses on how delusion often is necessary to endure the very rough experience that is living. but there is a beauty to it. a lot of reviews ive seen mention how the IRA/general irish/english warfare was not needed. i disagree! i think it further adds to…

Recent reviews

  • Isolation



    this is fucking stellar.
    the effects for the cow creature thing were so skin was crawling. i liked this so much. ive never seen anything like it- unique yet classic i think! 

    gosh this was amazing 🫶🫶🫶

    the performances were good, convincing as heck! i liked this a lot and id recommend if you like classic horror movies but want something i bit different than the same old-same old but still with the same essence.  

    seriously the props…

  • The Delinquent Season

    The Delinquent Season


    NOT THE 1:30 AM "YOU UP?" TEXT.
    NOT THE 69% BATTERY TOO, freak mode is activated.

    i've been wanting to watch this for a long time but idk it was on tubi and i needed something to watch while i did my drawing homework and wow okay this movie is funny yet somber. like bro's wife's friend is just telling him on the phone how she jacks it to him like while hes out picking his kids up from school.…

Popular reviews

  • The Orange Man

    The Orange Man

    he was going to kill him but then he waited for him to finish stroking off on this tree and then changed his mind and left.

    they made the movie about the worst four characters you have ever seen and NOT the actual orange man

    couldn't have done it without you pen stiller.

    this star is only for the shit color grading and lowkey impressive camera work & cinematography

  • Speak No Evil

    Speak No Evil


    only liking for hot man

    i keep collecting these hot horrible terrible man characters like infinity stones. i am NOT proud of this.

    the way i wouldve killed the hot man the second i had a chance LIKE A REAL FUCKIN AMERICAN

    cant relate to this type of white people.