Ricardo Sebastián González Santos

Ricardo Sebastián González Santos

*Cracks open a Passion fruit flavor LaCroix*
*Turns on BitTorrent*
*Takes a sip*

Let’s get to work.

Favorite films

  • Filth
  • Mother
  • Training Day
  • Black Narcissus

Recent activity

  • Climax


  • Pain & Gain

  • Death Note


  • Filth


Recent reviews

  • Climax



    I’ve only done LSD (or its equivalent at least) once in my life. It felt just like this. For 15 minutes you’re in total bliss and can’t understand how life could get better, then for the rest of the trip you feel so disgusted with yourself you want to claw out your own innards.

    I might just like it even more on a rewatch knowing how shit will go downhill. Great party watch kinda!!

  • Death Note

    Death Note


    Genuinely surprised by this one, which seemed to forever destroy the topics of diverse casting and anime adaptations (not its fault ofc).

    Solid adaptation of its source material’s story, fantastic visuals (the kills were crazy!!), bit of silly music choices and hammy deliveries here and there, but overall a very fun watch.

    Light as an incel, Misa having actual character and conviction, L being a panicked and frustrated detective, Ryuk being a cunt. All welcomed changes that still get the…

Popular reviews

  • Luna vieja

    Luna vieja


    Esta la vi en un festival de cines con varios otros cortometrajes hace años. Me encanta como cada toma en el campo es bien dinámica. Algo siempre se está moviendo o sonando, y te sitúa a lo incómodo que alguién del area metro se sintiera al estár ahí, vs alguién como Elsa que está en harmonización en este escenario.

    Muy bueno! No quisiera chotear la trama pero aja :)

  • Black Girl

    Black Girl


    I think I've been so used to other movies portraying similar stories and topics as more graphic in their portrayals of neo-colonialism, yet still managing somewhat positive endings.

    Here though? They're exposed in a much more sublte and impactful way. The back and forward between Diouna's past and present really give you an idea and contrast to how her spirits are lifted up with her positive expectations of France, only to be gradually broken down in her new reality. Even…
