
kryptiiid Pro

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  • Flow
  • Amélie
  • Tetsuo II: Body Hammer
  • Ghost Cat Anzu

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  • La Cocina

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Recent reviews

  • In a Violent Nature

    In a Violent Nature


    Perhaps the decade's first post-modernist slasher film? Asks you to question the appeal of the genre and who is the real 'hero' of these stories? Is it the slasher, who is often the face of the franchise, or is it their helpless, and often interchangeable, victims? Why do we watch slasher films? Is it simply for the bloody and spectacular kills? If so, In A Violent Nature should scratch the same itch as any entry in the Friday the 13th…

  • The Pope's Exorcist

    The Pope's Exorcist


    At one point another Priest throws Russell Crowe a crucifix like a gun and he uses it to headshot a demon.

    If that isn't cinema, I don't know what is.

Popular reviews

  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant


    Alien: Covenant is The Force Awakens of the Alien franchise. No, that is not a compliment.

  • The Void

    The Void


    What a disappointment. After what seems to have been one of the biggest hypes surrounding an independent horror film in years The Void fails to deliver on every single one of it's promises.

    The Void's main sins are it's weak script and poor acting. The film drags on for too long while nothing of interest actually happens.

    Probably the most annoying aspect was the effects. For a film that was praised for its use of practical special effects (having been…