Trailer Editor | NY
(fav films are recent)
"Tomorrow, the first good lookin' woman I see - I'm not gonna fall in love with her. That'll show her."
This is a can't miss for genre fans.
The idea of the blind monster is a terrifying concept and one they execute with brilliance. Stephen Lang is GREAT. Without speaking many lines of dialogue he commands the screen. Jane Levy also turns in a very good performance, as she did in Evil Dead, both of which I couldn't imagine to be easy shoots or characters to take on. People don't give enough credit for actors/actresses in horror films, it's a…
Man, It's been so long since I've watched a good comedy. Like honestly, what's the last good american comedy movie you've seen? There's been a fuckin drought.
Anyway...I had heard about this movie for awhile but had no idea it was an all out rom com spoof until I put it on, and what a delight. The cool thing here is that Wain isn't just spoofing rom-com cliches but spoofing narrative structure in general. It was so refreshing to see…