

the future is a bright white screen, a shot of the antarctic.

Favorite films

  • Taxi Driver
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • The Passion of Joan of Arc

Recent activity

  • Take Aim at the Police Van


  • The French Dispatch


  • Apotheosis

  • A Bug's Life

Recent reviews

  • The French Dispatch

    The French Dispatch


    The point is he could paint this beautifully if he wanted but he thinks this is better, and I think I sort of agree with him.

  • Red Wind

    Red Wind


    Everything here is passable but fairly unremarkable, except glover as marlowe he's definitely the highlight here

Popular reviews

  • Trap



    The letterboxd rating for this would be like a 3.4 if M. Night Shymalan wasn't still being maligned by grown adults, with percy Jackson tattoos, who are still mad he messed up their favorite children's cartoon 15 years ago

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

    The Grand Budapest Hotel


    While i do understand why some make the claim that Wes Anderson pictures are too aloof to emotionally connect with, they’re completely wrong.
    His works, especially everything post moonrise kingdom, have not become less emotional or less human, they have simply moved the emotional core back a pinch and tucked it away a little. It’s still very much there, it just takes a little more effort (😱) on the part of the viewer to parse it out.
    One rewatch and…