"Rome. By all means, Rome."
The original Before Sunrise. I was having so much fun and did not expect the ending to hit that hard. Too many moments in this movie had me just in awe of Audrey Hepburn's generational face card.
"Rome. By all means, Rome."
The original Before Sunrise. I was having so much fun and did not expect the ending to hit that hard. Too many moments in this movie had me just in awe of Audrey Hepburn's generational face card.
Nicolas Cage is so funny and it's so apparent that he had so much fun in this movie. I love me some Lovecraftian and mutilated body horror.
carla gugino was born to play powerful, ominous, intimidating, soft-spoken women and im here for it
every time jennifer did something bad in this movie i blacked out. she did nothing wrong in my eyes.