movie freaky! people sexy! total mess!
i wasn’t bored but i also wasn’t entertained…the potential for this concept to excel was there though!
you know what hell yeah
at no point was i able to see where this was going and i love that !
i will get mark ruffalo that oscar one day!
side note the girls in front of us were actually insufferable! they wouldn’t shut up the whole movie and as soon as the credits started rolling they were talking at full volume about how stupid it was but then i saw them posing in front of the poster!! weirdos!
theater etiquette has definitely gone to shit
this movie never fails to break my heart, but it also feels soooo close to nailing it with the writing but doesn’t quite make it there. too many eggs in the civil war basket. begs the question of whether or not this should have been a two parter or if some storylines should’ve been scrapped or saved for something else. i guess we’ll never know.
wanda they could never make me hate you!
dean pelton sighting!