Not the most penetrating work, but one whose effects are amplified when viewed in a crowded room filled with people shouting at the screen at every batshit-insane thing said.
Also not to be confused with the other documentary called Orgasm Inc!
Not the most penetrating work, but one whose effects are amplified when viewed in a crowded room filled with people shouting at the screen at every batshit-insane thing said.
Also not to be confused with the other documentary called Orgasm Inc!
The full range of emotion is experienced here; beautifully shot & formally composed but somehow also very organic; wonderful jazzy score; heartwarming & heartbreaking. One of my favorite movies.
More handjobs than I would have expected, but given their preponderance in Burning and The Favourite also, maybe that's just the way prestige cinema is headed.
The Brutalist (like Tár) feels like the kind of movie that just isn't made anymore—sweeping but intimate, full of big ideas, uncompromising visions, and folly (usually born from pride). Beautiful to look at, wonderful to listen to, and intensely acted. I had the mistaken thought that The Brutalist was a big biopic; that it…
My friend, who is a lawyer, leaned over to me during the courtroom scene, when Arthur Fleck is allowed to dress up as the Joker, and whispered, "They would never allow that."
Outside the theater, a woman came up to us and introduced herself. "I think that was 10/10, the best movie in a decade."
Hate to admit it, but I loved Joker: Folie á Deux. Like really loved it. I didn't know what to expect but I love that…