A geek, horror fanatic, aspiring filmmaker, and that's about it.

Favorite films

  • The Blues Brothers
  • Jacob's Ladder
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Gargoyles: The Heroes Awaken

Recent activity

  • Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders


  • Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon


  • Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs


  • Doctor Who: The Green Death


Recent reviews

  • Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders

    Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders


    What a swan song for 3! Within the first 5 minutes I was hooked. Mike Yates is back and into meditation! We get a fun update on Jo and her whereabouts. Her giving the crystal back kinda hurt though, like I know we need it for the story, but that was the Doctor's goodbye gift to her. Given how bittersweet her exit was just makes it feel like it giving her trouble wasn't the only reason she didn't want it…

  • Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon

    Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon


    Man the political tension in this one was drawn out, both sides are constantly going back and forth on weather they should try to find a middle ground. I haven't said this in a while with classic Doctor Who, but this definitely could have been cut by a part or 2 and nothing would have been lost. At least it has the awesomeness of Sara telling the queen about woman's lib, it's about time she got annoyed about basically all…

Popular reviews

  • What Is a Woman?

    What Is a Woman?


    You gotta be at least impressed by the people over at the Daily Wire for releasing an extremely transphobic documentary during pride month, they practice what they preach I guess. This whole documentary is just Matt Walsh going around to experts trying to help him understand the nuances of gender in the simplest terms, and finding it all either boring or dumb. Then he'll proceed to annoy them with very vague questions or research from almost 20 years ago causing…

  • Death Note: The Musical

    Death Note: The Musical


    This was originally gonna be a western attempt at Death Note in musical form, but the mere idea of that was enough to get it cancelled so the guy behind it took it to Japan and South Korea. There was an english version of the soundtrack made and some versions of the show just edit that over the original singers. By all accounts this shouldn't work, but miraculously it does. One of the most important things to get right with…