
Laurana_ Patron

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Life of Pi
  • The Matrix

Recent activity

  • Ponyo


  • The Court Jester


  • Knives Out


  • Beetlejuice


Recent reviews

  • Ponyo



    Movie Night with my daughter.
    She thought it was a bit scary, but not too much. πŸ˜…
    She didn't like that Ponyo was put in an aquarium and held captive by Fujimoto 😊
    She liked it though and would watch it again.

  • The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

    The Twilight Saga: Eclipse


    Writing this while watching, so be prepared for a lot of thought dumping:

    Urgh, Bella's dad is so awful. I hate how he constantly tries to keep her away from Edward (not that I'm team Edward or Jacob or whatever, I really don't care [I do find Robert Pattinson way more attractive thoigh]). Parents should be supportive of their children including their decision in a partner. If they have reason to belive someone isn't good for their child, they should…

Popular reviews

  • The Golden Compass

    The Golden Compass


    Saw this at the theater because I loved the books and I remember being so disappointed and underwhelmed by this adaptation.

  • Tenet



    For some time I thougth: hey, this isn't as confusing as everyone is making it out to be but then the car chase in Tallinn happened - twice! - and it became hard to keep up with all the reversing.

    Very engaging! Will have to watch again at least once.

    Also: why does Robert Pattinson have such an unflattering haircut in this film?

    Also also: there's at least some if not a lot of Doctor Who in here. The Protagonist and Neil reminded me of The Doctor and River meeting through time, going in different directions.