
Laurana_ Patron

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Life of Pi
  • The Matrix

Recent activity

  • Alice in Wonderland


  • Ponyo


  • The Court Jester


  • Knives Out


Recent reviews

  • Alice in Wonderland

    Alice in Wonderland


    Movie Night with my daughter, who requested to see this.
    She worried that Alice might actually be set on fire and that she might not find a way home.
    She also was outraged at how unprofessionally the Mad Hatter tried to "repair" the March Hare's watch. πŸ˜„
    As predicted, she loved the Cheshire Cat. 😸
    She says she liked the film but doesn't want to watch it again.

    I didn't recall parts of the beginning with the Dodo and the…

  • Ponyo



    Movie Night with my daughter.
    She thought it was a bit scary, but not too much. πŸ˜…
    She didn't like that Ponyo was put in an aquarium and held captive by Fujimoto 😊
    She liked it though and would watch it again.

Popular reviews

  • The Grinch

    The Grinch


    Watched before Christmas Eve with my daughter. We both enjoyed it and will probably rewatch it next year.

  • The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

    The Twilight Saga: Eclipse


    Writing this while watching, so be prepared for a lot of thought dumping:

    Urgh, Bella's dad is so awful. I hate how he constantly tries to keep her away from Edward (not that I'm team Edward or Jacob or whatever, I really don't care [I do find Robert Pattinson way more attractive thoigh]). Parents should be supportive of their children including their decision in a partner. If they have reason to belive someone isn't good for their child, they should…