Needed to watch a noir on this cold and windy Sunday curled up on the couch
I did fall asleep in the middle but nothing was missed tbh
Decision fatigue got me so we rewatched this for whatever reason
I don’t think this is the place to write this, but I don’t know where else to do it and I need to get at least a few thoughts out. But it really doesn’t matter, because the one person I want to see this won’t or can’t or isn’t...
I keep thinking you’re going to log another obscure movie I’ve never heard of, but one I’d happily watch with you because you’d convince me. Your enthusiasm and passion made…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
There was one kill that I honestly cannot believe happened (you know the one) and another I am glad happened a different way than I thought (he said "asshole" so I really thought it was gonna go up his ass but I'm glad it didn't)
Okay but also those brothers were HOT, Mike was definitely hotter than Brain tho
Also every time Aylmer said "Brian" I couldn't help but think of Family Guy