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Recent reviews

  • Tower Heist

    Tower Heist


    Fuck it, this movie is a good time, nothing deep, but funny and entertaining. Seen it like 5 times for some reason. It has it's moments.

  • Samurai Cop

    Samurai Cop


    The term "masterpiece" gets thrown around a lot these days, no doubt a biproduct of the relentless slop the masses are fed and brainwashed into thinking good of.

    When a true piece of cinema comes around, most know not how to recignize it. In a way this reminds me a lot of Plato's allegory of the cave, where the people are chained to a wall and behind them are torches. The flickers and shadows the torches cast are all the…

Popular reviews

  • Alexander



    This is a review for the 2007 "Final Cut" that ended up not being the final cut. I might review the "Ultimate Cut" from 2014, if I ever get round to it.

    Understand that this review comes from someone with a degree in history. Stuff that bothers me probably won't bother you.

    Todd McCarthy was very apt, when in his review he described Alexander as a "an honourable failure, an intelligent and ambitious picture that crucially lacks dramatic flair and…

  • The Great Silence

    The Great Silence

    Perhaps the most brutal and hauntingly bleak Spaghetti Western I've seen, but also the one that has the most to say both philosophically and politically. In this regard I'd say Corbucci surpasses the westerns of Sergio Leone.

    The film is gorgeously shot, set in a snowy mountainscape, and beautifully scored by none other than Ennio Morricone. I understand why people call this Corbucci's masterpiece.