Joseph William

Joseph William Patron

Favorite films

  • Inside Llewyn Davis
  • Almost Famous
  • Dazed and Confused
  • An American Werewolf in London

Recent activity

  • Big


  • I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle


  • They Came from Beyond Space


  • Rubber


Recent reviews

  • Amsterdam


    Greatest cast ever assembled (for the shittest film possible).
    Not only is David O. Russell's conduct a well-documented stain on the industry, the dude couldn't direct traffic.

  • Marching Powder

    Marching Powder

    Gonna be a big day when hooligans discover MOBAs.

Popular reviews

  • Us



    Rock, Paper, Sciss...

    Us is utterly thrilling and crowd-pleasing chaos. Once again, Peele invites us into his laboratory of horror, this time unleashing a pandemic of dopplegangers to confront the vices of America. Us is prophetic in scale, brimmed with genre-scares which are delightfully subverted and delivered to keep the viewer on edge, along with inquisitive discussion starters.
    I left Us eager for a second-viewing in order to hunt for the microscopic detail I am bound to have missed.

  • Blindspotting



    Blindspotting is a delicate blend of outlandish humour with razor-sharp social commentary. I hate to draw parallels, but where Sorry to Bother You pulled its punches was in the clarity of its message, Blindspotting knows exactly what it wants to address and precisely who it is challenging. Blindspotting very much plays like a comedy however when the time comes - throws down the gaunlet for discussing contemporary turmoil from police brutality to gentrification, the judiciary system and most importantly corporate…