PhD and all that
She came from the sea
The path of no return might never reveal its true nature, but the decay that comes along fringes the drifter on the shores of their own doubts. Mona's unstoppable stroll towards ultimate emancipation is one bound to end in annihilation. Her choices might be hers, but her limits are born out of the torment of a life that could never be her own. To do things without reasons is not to be aimless. Varda moulds…
Ethereal oblivion problematically basking in feminine hysteria
We all fantasize about being gods of small worlds, our small world. The camera allows just this. Yet, between the tool of control it is and its product – the image – intent and effects differ. The positionality of the former contravenes that of the latter: if the camera goes up, the image moves down; if the camera moves to follow its subject, the subject remains at its centre. The camera disarms the movements of the life it films, and…