I’m no expert, I just love movies.
Only reviewing movies I’ve watched since downloading the app.
Felt rushed and for a lot of aspects felt unnecessary. It’s like they took the few bad and stupid parts of Ragnarak that the average half-brained Marvel fan loved and only focused on that the whole movie.
I will say, I actually loved seeing the GOTG again and I though Gorr was one of the best Marvel villains in a long time. Bale stole the screen every time he appeared.
But an army of annoying little kids with terrible CGI ain’t it for me.
This movie isn’t perfect, but it is so beautiful that it deserves a perfect score.
The story is a perfect amount of heart and comedy. It knows when to be serious and it knows when to be funny.
Like I said, it’s not perfect (the pacing is rushed and the romance is forced) but this movie just makes you feel so joyful and so heavy at the same time, that it’s easy to look past those things and really enjoy the film.
I could watch this over and over and over again.