There is some great fashion here, it might be the first movie where I was like “wait, maybe the early 2000s was cool?” Of course this is Japan tho.
Also maybe the best end credits after Buckaroo Banzai.
There is some great fashion here, it might be the first movie where I was like “wait, maybe the early 2000s was cool?” Of course this is Japan tho.
Also maybe the best end credits after Buckaroo Banzai.
I know very little about Quentin Crisp. He first came to my attention having a track on the very fun LP compilation Miniatures from 1980. I like John Hurt a bunch so I gave this a try.
It was wonderful and made me cry. 🥲
We didn’t get Dune Messiah, but we got this.
We didn’t get Blue Velvet 2, but we got this.
Agent Dale Cooper is the most original American hero of the last fifty years. And, like most heroes, like Joseph Campbell’s Hero of a Thousand Faces, in the words of one Born Again Irishman, he still hasn’t found what he’s looking for.
To all the David Lynchs, the Gordon Coles, scattered across the multi-cosmos and the red rooms we go.
First of all apologies, to all those who love this movie, which include many good friends: don’t hate me. But I found watching this to be tortuous. So, only read on if prepared to perhaps get angry with me. Why did I continue to watch it, if it frustrated me so much? Well, I was determined to see it through, to perhaps get to some moment or moments that would change my mind. And, I will admit, there are some…