Luis Macías

Luis Macías Pro

Favorite films

  • (500) Days of Summer
  • About Time
  • La La Land
  • Life Itself

Recent activity

  • The Lovely Bones


  • Memoir of a Snail


  • Mortal Engines


  • White Bird


Recent reviews

  • Memoir of a Snail

    Memoir of a Snail


    Wow. I wasn’t prepared for the emotional punch that this movie was for me. Not only it tells a story with heavy subject matter but also it doesn’t shy away from showing what it tells in a graphic way. I mean, of course there are other animated movies like Team America that are far more explicit, but that was expected given who the creators were. But in this movie I went blind sided and really really hit me. The animation…

  • Mortal Engines

    Mortal Engines


    6 years later I still find this movie has the same pros and cons that in my first viewing.

Popular reviews

  • Not A Minute To Lose

    Not A Minute To Lose

    Después de Mirreyes Vs Godínez, esta es la segunda peor película que vi en el año 2019. Nada funciona: ni la disque historia inspiradora con mensaje de libro de tarjeta de Hallmark, ni las actuaciones de un elenco totalmente mal casteado (Claudia Ramírez como mamá de Ana Serradilla!), ni la escenografía de una empresa estilo Chavo del 8, o la peluca de la versión futura de Ana Serradilla, ni mucho menos la historia de viajes en el tiempo sin pies…

  • Rio Escondido

    Rio Escondido


    Un libro de texto de la SEP ilustrado bellamente por la lente de Gabriel Figueroa.