Linus Maximilian

Linus Maximilian Pro

I use Letterboxd since November 2019

Favorite films

  • Henry Fonda for President
  • Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat
  • Histoire(s) du cinéma
  • F for Fake

Recent activity

  • Westward the Women


  • Back Door to Hell


  • Shatter


  • The Searchers


Pinned reviews


Recent reviews

  • Lolita



    Innocent, mostly because it doesn't do anything at all. As an adaptation of Nabokovs Book it's awful, this is not changed by the fact that he was involved in much of the films production. The retelling of the events through Humbert Humberts manipultive POV is what works in the novel. Without Humberts play on words and his reversion of perpetrator and victim, Lolita just doesn't work at all.
    Nothing Kubrick does is interresting enough to justify the runtime of over two and a half hours.

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    have last seen this 3 years ago and I had not remembered most of the second half and I am not sure I will remember much of it in 3 years. Not my kind of Lynch film, for me it indulges in most of Lynchs worst impulses- I particularly disliked the eroticism. My other observation I had is, that there is so much of Twin Peaks the Return in here, much more than I remembered.

Popular reviews

  • Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks


    I reflexively started watching the Twin Peaks Pilot once I heard of Lynchs' passing. It's the work of his that deals more than anything else with the unfathomable grief someone leaves behind once he leaves this world. When Donna begins the realize that something is off, she and James instantly look at Lauras empty seat. It's empty because she is dead and it is the emptiness of the chair that makes it so painful. The realisation that there is a…

  • Agra


    One of the most tasteless and unerotic depictions of sex I have ever seen in films. The whole thing is edited without any sense. Nearly all scenes are too long or don't belong in the film at all. The characters are like chameleons, their motives and attributes change fluently, and with them the conflicts between the characters, and scenes just happen but have no consequences for following scenes, and the antagonist shifts every few minutes.
    I normally don't care for plot and screenwriting rules, but Agra reminded me, that they may be useful from time to time.