Fuck Donald Trump.
Good movie though.
But fuck Donald Trump.
David is the wackiest wizard of Oz, and by god, I love him.
Movie is insanity and Lynchian genius — a common pairing, I suppose. Probably the most comedic DL work I’ve seen. Killer performances all around. Lots of Twin Peaks crew. Great soundtrack, great score. Some very funny quotables. It’s a gem in the rough overall.
Watched at the Los Feliz 3 with Ava for American Cinematheque’s ‘Directed by David Lynch’ retrospective + Valentine’s weekend programming
Solid documentary on Vitalik and Ethereum. It's a niche subject matter so wouldn't really recommend it to someone unless they're interested in the space or at least somewhat interested in learning about Ethereum.
Vitalik is a legend. Just out there being a genius, doing his thing, building and supporting public goods in the form of decentralized, permissionless, programmable blockchain proliferation. His dad also seems to be a real one.
Great animations. Evangelist doc.
Very bullish. Ethereum forever.
Went to the decentralized global premiere at AMC Century City 15 with Josh BL and Smurph.