

Favorite films

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  • Bridget Jones's Diary
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  • Margot at the Wedding


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Recent reviews

  • Margot at the Wedding

    Margot at the Wedding


    Sometimes you shit your pants as an adult and that’s ok ❤️

    Bring back Jack Black prestige actor in prestige comedy of errors asap!!

    Not to get all AO Scott up in here but this is a good quote!

    “ The realism of ‘Margot at the Wedding’ — the texture of unpredictable, lived experience that keeps both farce and melodrama in check — lies in its sense of sprawl and untidiness, in the feeling that the movie itself is snipped from an endless tangle of bad feelings and good intentions. “

  • Talk to Me

    Talk to Me


    tickled my fancy!

Popular reviews

  • Man Push Cart

    Man Push Cart


    remembering a story my dad told me when he was in college in the 70s, he was in a film class, and while watching an older movie the class cheered when they saw the super cheap gas prices. that is how i felt when i saw the .75 coffee and the 1.25 danish on the cart menu

  • Computer Chess

    Computer Chess


    Needed an antidote to Life is Sweet. People compare Bujalski and Leigh, it's unfair. Both narrative styles might amble and ramble, but Bujalski successfully implements a light touch within a staid, empathic portrait of his goofy characters. The fake-documentary rhythms and structure are all in service to the (mostly) non actors' serene vulnerability. The movie never allows them to fall into full-caricature. This is the humanism I always want when I watch a Leigh movie, but can never get. Is my deeply embarrassing anglophilia finally waning? Maybe (hopefully).

    Waiting on Buj to release a full on romantic comedy. :)
