Free ticket J- won from her Auckland Art Gallery membership.
Powerfully acted, and never resorting to sentimentality or melodrama. The movie unfolds in many layers like a flower, with little vignettes as time passes, and hope never fades.
Free ticket J- won from her Auckland Art Gallery membership.
Powerfully acted, and never resorting to sentimentality or melodrama. The movie unfolds in many layers like a flower, with little vignettes as time passes, and hope never fades.
Lovely nostalgia trip into growing up during the space exploration age. Linklater never ceases to be the most human and interesting filmmaker.
So completely different from anything I've seen this year.
I was originally going to watch Rogue One, but saw an opening date for this movie on December 26th. I quickly changed my mind and bought tickets for this.
I am convinced that Damien Chazelle is one of the most exciting directors working at the moment. From the glorious musical numbers employing single take long shots to the kitsch special effects in the observatory, showing the actors dancing in the stars--it's…
I started a Mubi subscription today.
A quiet and intimate coming of age/loss of innocence movie with great power. It maybe touches on themes we are overly-familiar today, but it treats the topics with such grace and restraint, it's hard not to admire the Dardenne brothers here.
I love the naturalism of European films. Every shot is just perfectly framed and balanced.