Logan Boles

Logan Boles

An independent upcoming filmmaker based out of San Diego, California.

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • Perfect Blue
  • A Woman Is a Woman

Recent activity

  • Doctor Zhivago


  • The Muppets


  • The Florida Project


  • The 400 Blows


Recent reviews

  • Doctor Zhivago

    Doctor Zhivago


    Love this movie, Yuri did nothing wrong (satire)

  • The Muppets

    The Muppets


    Rewatching this for the first time in years as an adult was both an awakening and a re-entry into my own childhood - I cannot think of the last time watching a film had me this locked in. In the words of Pim, I love The Muppets Charlie, I love The Muppets!

Popular reviews

  • The Florida Project

    The Florida Project


    This film really is quite complicated for me, because at my core, I absolutely do love it. I think it's phenomenal, and what Sean Baker is able to tell with this story is monumental. There are things I didn't notice the first time that upon rewatch blew my mind, and I do think this is an impressive film. That being said, I do have a nagging in the back of my mind of this film as poverty porn, and I'm…

  • Easy Street

    Easy Street


    Finishing out the triple feature of Chaplin shorts, Easy Streets is the most competently made in my opinion, yet still not trading its laughs in for anything else. Following a more traditional three act structure, Chaplin is able to address morality through institutions of religion and the state (there is more nuance to a conversation such as that, but this film does not exist in a world where those nuances exist, so to speak). If anything, the film tells us exactly what to take away with the final intertitle card -

    "Love backed by force, forgiveness sweet, brings hope and peace, to Easy Street.”
