

Favourites Tv Shows:
Série Noire
Bojack Horseman
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Les Invincibles
C’est Comme ça que je T’aime

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Enter the Void
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Pan's Labyrinth

Recent activity

  • Dune


  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


  • Whiplash


  • Obi-Wan Kenobi

Recent reviews

  • Dune



    2001 a space odyssey: grandfather

    Star Wars : father

    Interstellar: son

    Dune: THE KWISATZ HADERACH!!! Are you high on the spice too bro?

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


    “Somehow, Palpatine Returned…” 🤢😂🤢

    This is the only thing in all Star wars I wish I didn’t saw but now I can never get this trauma out of my head.

    The Christmas Special is a masterpiece in comparison.

Popular reviews

  • Beau Is Afraid

    Beau Is Afraid


    A picture book of a kafkaesque and tragic odyssey about Beau who’s lost in his own paranoia and anxiety.
     A very bad trip about family issues and historic of mental illness. How it affect the younger generation of this family (Beau being this younger generation).

    Seem to be Aster’s most personal movie imo.
     I think he his playing with himself a little bit too much.

    Even if I really don’t like the last act and how the movie end’s up…

  • Whiplash



    One of the first time a movie brought me so much into analysing his edit and made me more interested in editing then ever before.

    It is such a perfectly structured movie and well-paced. Every shot exist at his most perfect timing before being cut to the next one. 

    I feel Chazelle wanted to transform every instrument into a character and I think he perfectly realized this goal.

    What a performance from J.K Simmons who won a well-deserved oscar for…