Elijah Martinez

Elijah Martinez

Favorite films

  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • Amadeus
  • Life Is Sweet
  • Moonstruck

Recent activity

  • Aguirre, the Wrath of God


  • Life of Brian


  • Sense and Sensibility


  • Far from the Madding Crowd


Recent reviews

  • Aguirre, the Wrath of God

    Aguirre, the Wrath of God


    "I thought it would hurt much more than this"

  • The Prestige

    The Prestige


    I think the writing's bad. Hugh Jackman lacks charisma. Christian Bale is British and yet the specific accent he was using felt off. I find that I don't care much for any of the characters in this movie. There are so many plot twists in this movie that each subsequent twist feels less and less important. The movie is far too long. My gut reaction tells me I didn't really like this movie despite it looking cool sometimes.

Popular reviews

  • Eternals



    The ultimate test of endurance. Dante's 10th circle of hell.

    I have never felt more disrespected as a viewer than I have with this movie. Not only is it a terrible movie by Marvel standards, this is a terrible movie by any standards.

    This feels like a stale, cheap, off-brand copy of a Marvel film. Its creation was a mistake. It's the most awkward and inconceivably stupid of blunders in Marvel's very consistent universe.

    Every line spoken felt forced and…

  • The Creator

    The Creator


    I was itching to leave the theater the entire time. An incredibly bland movie that has no clue what it's trying to say. The visuals are great, but nice visuals can't even begin to make up for an empty story like this one.
