

Favorite films

  • A Woman Under the Influence
  • The Crucified Lovers
  • Horse Money
  • I Walked with a Zombie

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  • The Matrix Resurrections


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  • Once Upon a Time in America


Recent reviews

  • A Miss e o Dinossauro

    A Miss e o Dinossauro


    Sganzerla, sobre A Família do Barulho e bem mais do que A Família do Barulho

    Veja bem, você tá fazendo um filme urbano, sobre determinado aspecto que é relacionado a toda uma cultura ligada a, digamos, o fato mais popularesco — nós tivemos que assimilar e admitir e, sobretudo, até utilizar os recursos inesgotáveis do rádio, da fotonovela, da radionovela, das histórias em quadrinhos.

    Na época, havia isso lá fora e era a coisa mais óbvia, mais evidente. Havia pop art, havia na música abstrata, mas os próprios poetas concretistas, no Brasil, eram taxados de mitômanos. E nessa deformação, quem perdeu foi o cinema.

  • The Mule

    The Mule


    There is something in The Mule's simplicity that is almost misleading. Though this is by no means what could be called an austere movie, it is certainly straightforward and superficial, in the sense tha its motives and values always seem to be at plain sight. And there maybe lies it's beautiful quasi-misleadingness: by choosing not to hide anything, Eastwood can orchestrate such simple archetypes as the western loner and his fiend and transpose them to a context where their presence…

Popular reviews

  • In Vanda's Room

    In Vanda's Room


    "And no one knows what will happen after someone turns a movie camera on. No one ever knew and this is why cinema is great. Those who say the contrary are fakers and the films they make are useless shit. No one ever knew what cinema is" - Pedro Costa

  • Sicily!



    “Even in Europe, many (but not all!) of the Straubs’ champions talk about isms in their movies more than individuals, non-figurative design more than portraiture, theory more than storybook lyricism, “Bresson-like” impersonableness more than commedia dell’arte, anti-conventionality more than renewed roots in Western tradition, radical posturing more than troubled existentialism, Marxism more than Jesuit sensibility of each moment as sacramental, minimalism romanticism, calculation more than volcanic emotion.

    Don’t these champions see the combination of Ford and Mizoguchi?”

    Conversation works as…
